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Ab initio calculations of electronic properties of materials with Quantum ESPRESSO package

Ab initio calculations of electronic properties of materials with Quantum ESPRESSO package PLACE ORDER

We invite you to the BOOSTalent project course on "Ab initio calculations of electronic properties of materials with Quantum ESPRESSO package." This is a practical course where we will be computing the electronic properties of materials, including band structures, density of states, and constructing Fermi surfaces. Our calculations will utilize the Quantum ESPRESSO program, one of the most powerful tools for quantum-mechanical calculations based on density functional theory.

This program is successfully employed in materials science, biochemistry, drug discovery, solar cells, batteries, and many other fields. We invite students, graduate students, and researchers in the aforementioned fields to participate.

The course is free. All students will receive certificates with the amount of ECTS credits on completing the course. 

The Deep Tech courses are delivered to you by the Kyiv Academic University as a part of the BOOSTalent project and CloudEARTHi initiative.