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Structural diagnostics of thin films and bulk materials using high-resolution X-ray diffraction methods.

Structural diagnostics of thin films and bulk materials using high-resolution X-ray diffraction methods. PLACE ORDER

Service/Product Name:

Structural diagnostics of thin films and bulk materials using high-resolution X-ray diffraction methods.

Brief Description of the Service/Product:

Quantitative phase analysis of samples of various shapes and sizes; Structural and phase analysis of thin films in grazing geometry; X-ray reflectometry; Determination of residual stresses in both Psi and Omega scanning modes; Diagnostics of structural quality through high-resolution scattering maps around reciprocal lattice points; Determination of parameters of multilayer epitaxial structures (layer thickness, composition, repetition period) using X-ray diffraction.

Available Equipment and Personnel for Service Provision/Product Manufacturing:

  1. High-resolution X-ray diffractometer PANalytical X'Pert PRO MRD (Philips)
  2. Qualified personnel consisting of two senior research fellows with over 15 years of experience.

Certification of Equipment and Instruments

Certificate of conformity.

Availability of Intellectual Property Protection Documents and Their Validity


Approximate Price of the Service/Product

Price: Negotiable

Problems Addressed by This Service/Product

Determining the component and deformation state of crystalline materials and structures, characterizing amorphous and crystalline thin films, and precision diagnostics of semiconductor nanostructures.

Potential Consumers of This Service/Product by Industries and Enterprises

Manufacturers of the component base for semiconductor photoenergy and consumers of photovoltaic batteries.

Approximate Timeframes for Service/Product Completion

a) For Prototype Sample:
b) For Pilot Batch:
c) For Production Implementation:

From 1 working day.