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Electrophysical studies of thin films, MOSFET structures, and semiconductor heterostructures.

Electrophysical studies of thin films, MOSFET structures, and semiconductor heterostructures. PLACE ORDER

Service/Product Name:

Electrophysical studies of thin films, MOSFET structures, and semiconductor heterostructures.

Brief Description of the Service/Product:

Volt-ampere (I-V) characteristics (0.01 V < |V| < 200 V, 10 pA < |I| < 20 mA).

Volt-farad (C-V) characteristics (-20 V < V < 20 V, 50 Hz < F < 1 MHz).

Admittance and impedance spectroscopy. Temperature range: 77 – 300 K.

Available Equipment and Personnel for Service Provision/Product Manufacturing:

  1. Semiconductor parameter analyzer Agilent 4156; LCR meter Agilent 4284, precision power supply Keithley 6487, picoammeter Keithley 6485.

  2. One senior research scientist.

Certification of Equipment and Instruments


Availability of Intellectual Property Protection Documents and Their Validity


Approximate Price of the Service/Product

Price: Negotiable

Problems Addressed by This Service/Product

Analysis of leakage currents through dielectric layers, determination of rectification coefficients in semiconductor structures, identification of defects at the interfaces and within the bulk of semiconductors, evaluation of semiconductor material work function.

Potential Consumers of This Service/Product by Industries and Enterprises

Enterprises in microelectronics, manufacturers of solar energy components, producers of new semiconductor materials.

Approximate Timeframes for Service/Product Completion

a) For Prototype Sample:
b) For Pilot Batch:
c) For Production Implementation:

a) 3 – 5 days
b) 3 – 5 weeks