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Analysis of the structure, phase and chemical composition of materials

Analysis of the structure, phase and chemical composition of materials PLACE ORDER

Service/Product Name:

Analysis of the structure, phase, and chemical composition of materials using Raman, photoluminescence, and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) micro-spectroscopy methods.

Brief Description of the Service/Product:

Micro-Raman, photoluminescence, and infrared analysis of the emissive properties, structure, chemical composition, electronic and phonon excitations in solids, as well as the physicochemical characteristics of semiconductors, chemical compounds, nanostructures, and nanocomposites with submicron spatial resolution.

Micro-Raman and luminescence 2D-3D spatial mapping of:

  • Strain and chemical composition,
  • Temperature,
  • Charge carrier concentration and mobility,
  • Optical emission of nanostructures.

Optical low-temperature studies of phonon, plasmon-phonon, and electronic excitations, as well as radiative recombination of charge carriers in condensed systems.

Infrared spectroscopy of transmission, ATR (attenuated total reflection), diffuse and specular reflection.

Certified metrological measurements in accordance with the relevant scope.

Available Equipment and Personnel for Service Provision/Product Manufacturing:

1.1. Triple Raman-Luminescence Spectrometer Horiba Jobin-Yvon T64000 (200–1700 nm):

  • Confocal UV-Visible-NIR microscope Olympus BX41
  • Motorized XYZ scanning stage with 0.1 µm step size (Marghauser GmbH)
  • He-Cd laser KIMMON KOHA IK5651R-G (325 and 442 nm)
  • Ar-Kr laser Stabilite 2018-RM Spectra Physics (488 nm)
  • Solid-state lasers: Spectra Physics EXLSR-532-150-CDRH (532 nm) and Toptica Photonics iBeam-Smart-785-S-WS (785 nm)
  • Optical micro-cryostat RC102-CFM (3.5–325 K) (CIA CRYO Industries)
  • Micro-temperature cell Linkam Scientific Instruments THMS600 (80–900 K)

1.2. Infrared Vacuum Fourier Spectrometer Bruker Vertex 70V (12500–50 cm⁻¹) with IR-FT Microscope Hyperion II:

  • Modules for measuring IR spectra of optical transmission, diffuse and specular reflection, ATR, and IR emission
  • Optical IR helium and nitrogen cryostats (3.5–500 K)
  • Temperature cell Linkam Scientific Instruments HFS350EV-PB4 (80–900 K)

The laboratory operates with a permanent team of six researchers:

  • 1 leading research scientist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • 2 senior research scientists, Candidates of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • 2 research scientists, Candidates of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • 1 leading engineer, PhD student

Certification of Equipment and Instruments

  1. Certificate of Accreditation of the Optical Submicron Spectroscopy Laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IP NASU) for conducting measurements of object parameters within the relevant scope (Certificate No. PT-249/147, issued on 21.07.2014 by SE "Ukrmetrteststandard").

  2. Certificate of State Metrological Attestation of the Raman Spectrometer Jobin Yvon T64000 for determining wavenumbers using the Raman spectroscopy method in optical spectrum analysis for the primary identification of substances (Certificate No. 37-220-14, issued on 16.04.2014 by SE "Ukrmetrteststandard").

Availability of Intellectual Property Protection Documents and Their Validity

  1. Universal Cryostat Insert for Spectrophotometric and Electro-Optical Studies / Zharkov I.P., Khodunov V.O., Strelchuk V.V., Solonetskyi A.H., Safronov V.V., Naseka V.M., Nikolenko A.S., Konoval V.M., Selivanov O.V. // Utility Model Patent No. 120275, 2017.

  2. Cryostat Insert for Electromagneto-Optical Studies / I.P. Zharkov, V.M. Konoval, A.S. Nikolenko, A.H. Solonetskyi, V.V. Strelchuk, V.V. Safronov, O.V. Selivanov, V.M. Naseka, V.O. Maslov // Utility Model Patent No. 120401, 2017.

  3. Optical Method for Determining the Temperature Distribution in Functional Elements of III-N Device Structures in Operating Modes / V.V. Strelchuk, O.F. Kolomys, A.S. Nikolenko, Yu.M. Naseka, V.M. Naseka, K.A. Avramenko, A.S. Romaniuk, M.I. Boiko // Utility Model Patent No. 13141, 2013.

Approximate Price of the Service/Product

Price: Negotiable

Problems Addressed by This Service/Product

Solves the problem of non-destructive rapid analysis of the spatial distribution of structural, phase, and chemical composition of materials, as well as their electronic and phonon properties, strain, charge carrier concentration, and mobility. This is particularly important for the development of new functional materials, composites, and device structures based on them.

Potential Consumers of This Service/Product by Industries and Enterprises

Scientific institutes and universities, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as the electronics, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries.

Approximate Timeframes for Service/Product Completion

a) For Prototype Sample:
b) For Pilot Batch:
c) For Production Implementation:

a) 1 day;
b) 1 week;
c) 1 year.