The first workshop of 3 rounds of meetings with stakeholders was heldof the Wennovate project

The first workshop of 3 rounds of meetings with stakeholders was heldof the Wennovate project

23 May 2024

On 14 May 2024, the first workshop of 3 rounds of meetings with Wennovate project stakeholders took place.

During the workshop, the participants discussed the following issues

– the use of deep technologies and digitalisation in the energy transition: EU ambitions and Ukrainian realities;

– energy communities in the EU and progress in Ukraine;

– barriers to deep and digital technologies in the energy transition from the perspective of the Quadruple Helix Model.

In addition to the discussion of the issues in focus, the findings of expert interviews conducted with representatives of the Quadruple Helix Model in the energy sector and the innovation community in Ukraine, the Netherlands, Hungary and Slovakia were presented. The project “Creation of a Local Energy Network in the Dolyna Territorial Community of Ivano-Frankivsk Region” (Naftogazbudinformatika LLC) was presented as a presentation of the applied application of the changes proposed for use in the process of green energy transformation.

Thanks to the active and proactive involvement of all participants, a preliminary action plan was discussed to prepare for the formation of an action plan for the development of innovative ecosystems and energy transition and further steps to prepare for the next rounds of meetings!