Marathon: how to commercialize intellectual property.

Marathon: how to commercialize intellectual property.

04 April 2023

As part of the cooperation between Academ.City Technopark and the Ukrainian National Institute of Intellectual Property, we invite you to the IP&I Marathon.

On April 27-28, 2023, the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation organizes the IP&I Marathon: How to Commercialize Intellectual Property, which will be held as part of the International Day of Intellectual Property.

On April 27, a forum with leading experts in the field of intellectual property and innovation will be held. 

On April 28, a strategic session on technology transfer will be held to develop a logical model for higher education and research institutions in the area of technology transfer.

 Participants will include representatives of the innovation process from the state, science and business. 

Topics of discussion:

  • how to determine commercial applicability and evaluate intellectual property, 
  • how to effectively promote developments to the market, 
  • how to conclude agreements aimed at commercializing intellectual property and create startups, 
  • how innovative structures contribute to the commercialization of intellectual property, 
  • how to speak the investor's language and attract investments, etc.

We invite scientists, innovators, inventors, and technology transfer managers to participate.

Pre-registration is required.

Upon completion of the marathon, each participant will receive a certificate.